Lost A Fry To Choking Today


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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I saw a sickly fry in my tank today that I at first thought had a huge fungus beard, but I couldn't figure out how so much fungus could have grown overnight or why... that's when I figured out it was a huge chunk of brine shrimp stuck in his gill!!! I tried to pull it out, but it just broke off. About an hour later he was dead. Accidental death #1, I guess... there's nothing I could have done. It was a little DT too, poor baby :(

Also, I think I have a Down syndrome fry or something :lol:
There's this one singletail fry with a really stumpy body and a huge fat face and belly, he almost looks like a balloon molly the way he's shaped. He seems healthy enough, just a little... "off" :look:
He's "special"; the only one I can tell apart from all the rest. I wonder how he'll turn out as an adult...
I should be studying for my extremely important chemistry final Monday, but what am I doing? That's right, trying to take pics of the Downs fish :lol:
They're not very good and if you're not really used to seeing fry you're not going to be able to tell the different, but darnit, something isn't right about him I'm tellin' ya!!

His eyes are too close together...

Normal singletail fry on the right, weirdo on the left... see how much fatter his throat area is and how stumpy he is? His body is as stumpy as the DT fry! I was serious about the eye thing too, they're closer together than normal... the differences are subtle, but they're there -_-
he looks like a mini puffer! (well to me anyway)
Could it be that daddy cheated with you puffers? :p

Looks to me like it has an internal problem like dropsy as it looks like he is filled with fluid causing popeye.
If he was mine i would cull, but thats just what i would do as it may spread.
Good luck with him if you decide to keep.
I should be studying for my extremely important chemistry final Monday, but what am I doing? That's right, trying to take pics of the Downs fish :lol:

:rofl: That is so funny! The Downs Fish!!!!! :lol:

But wouldn't it be cute to have a stumpy kinda lumpy fish? If you don't cull him, I'll take him! I have a retarted cat, why not a retarded fish? :D

I've never heard of a disease that's contagious that distorts and misshapes the body like that. Eyes too close together, short stumpy body...that says retartation to me. :look:
He does look like a puffer! Maybe you should isolate him, just in case there is something wrong with him that's contageous? I wouldn't cull, if he seems fine...but maybe isolate him just in case?
I think he looks like a puffer too! That is actually pretty cute. Hope he is just weird shaped and not sick.
He is cute, a little different, but cute. :lol: I don't have anyone like that in my spawn, but I could swear that there is a DT that has a weird caudal fin. The lower half looks like a normal DT fin, but the other half looks like it's either curled or half there. I haven't been able to spot him in a couple days though. I call him/her Funky D. :D
:lol: Cuuute, Synirr! I love the "Downs fry". You're so politically incorrect... heh

I have lots of fry that look different, long-bodied, short-bodied, big-headed, etc. I don't think I have any babies that look like your special guy, though. I think he's cute... save him for me and I'll adopt him, if you don't end up keeping him! ^_^
Looks to me like it has an internal problem like dropsy as it looks like he is filled with fluid causing popeye.
If he was mine i would cull, but thats just what i would do as it may spread.
Good luck with him if you decide to keep.
If he has dropsy he has had it since day 5 (when I first noticed him but he was too small for me to tell if something was really different about him) and is still alive at 4 weeks... you'll just have to trust me when I say he's healthy. The only swollen part about him is his neck, where he should have an indention like the other fry, but that part is obviously fleshy and not fluid-filled. He does not have pop-eye... his eyes are normal sized, they're just positioned closer together on his skull. He's not diseased, isn't suffering, and eats like a piggy with no problems whatsoever, he just has some kind of skeletal defect or something... no way I'm going to cull a healthy fish, even if he's not perfect :)

EDIT: I just looked at the pics, and I think the "fluid" you're seeing is his anal fin?

But wouldn't it be cute to have a stumpy kinda lumpy fish? If you don't cull him, I'll take him! I have a retarted cat, why not a retarded fish? :D

I've never heard of a disease that's contagious that distorts and misshapes the body like that. Eyes too close together, short stumpy body...that says retartation to me. :look:
Haha, "that says retardation to me." :lol:
I'm definitely not going to cull him, so he'll be an adoptee when he's old enough... if I don't decide to keep him myself :shifty:

You're so politically incorrect... heh
You don't know the half of it! :lol: :*)
I'm polite on this forum...

Anyway, I think the major difference is that he doesn't have a neck, haha! The others all have an indention between their heads and their bodies, and his just goes straight into body... and he's stumpy, and his eyes are weird. It's gonna be hilarious to see how he looks as an adult

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