Fish Fanatic
I had been asking you guys about the clicking and I figured you would like an update. We went ahead figuring it was likely a pistol shrimp. We went out and got a Pearly Jawfish and another small wrasse. They both were doing fine together. The jawfish did his burrow search exactly as all the literature said he would. He finally settled into one. Its been 2 days and now he is dead. Just before he died he refused to go into a burrow... it was almost like he was afraid to and stayed as far away from the rock as possible.
His middle looked like it may have been hit because it almost resembled a bruise. So maybe the click is not a pistol after all...but a mantis. I know the water quality is fine because my peppermint shrimp and cleanup crew and the other fish are still alive and acting healthy.
What do you guys think. Could the fish have possibly taken a hit?
His middle looked like it may have been hit because it almost resembled a bruise. So maybe the click is not a pistol after all...but a mantis. I know the water quality is fine because my peppermint shrimp and cleanup crew and the other fish are still alive and acting healthy.
What do you guys think. Could the fish have possibly taken a hit?