Lost A Danio Last Week...


Fish Fanatic
Dec 30, 2006
Reaction score
Augusta, Georgia
Had a leopard danio that seemed to be looking thinner last week and then completely disappeared. Looked all over the tank and inside the filter, but no sign of him. Is it likely that he died and the other fish ate him in about 24 hours?
Danios are really bad for getting themselves caught in tight places. I had 7 zebras which were always chasing each other round the tank. I lost 2 in about 2 months due to them getting wedged into this rock which had loads of holes in it. It was a great place for fry to hide out but a graveyard for the kamakaze danios. Tried to coax/push/pull them out but they were stuck tight. I bet your danio has wedged himself somewhere you'd never think it would be possible.
I had a corydora that completly dissapeared over night :( somtimes these things happen, in your case id say its more then possible that your other tank inhabitance would of eaten the fish before you saw it.
could of been eaten i lost 2 guppys over night, only had them 2 days :-( and then a platywell guppys ended up eaten and bobing around the next day and the platy i left him for a few days then my tank started to stink and white stringy stuff was leaking out from under a rock, ew, yes it was my silly platy who got stuck under a buryed peace of bog wood. poor little guy. well hes probaly been eaten. but i hope he shows up alive.
good luck with the missing fishy
Other thing to do is check around/under your tank and stand, and any furniture close by. Danios are a bit notorious for making a bid for escape and can get through the tiniest of holes in your tank lid.
I lost a clown loach 2 days after buying it. I thought that it had died and that the other fish had eaten it as I found a body of a fish lodged into my airflow pipe. A week later when I was doing a water change I took out the filter sponges which are situated in a compartment at the back of my tank and I noticed my clown loach was in the compartment where my carbon filters and bio balls are contained. I managed to catch him once I had taken out some of the water and put him back in the main tank. goodness knows how he managed to get in there and he has since done it again, but now I know where to look for him if he disappears. I often find baby fry in there as well!
I had two small zebra danios in a small tank a couple of years ago. One suddenly disappeared one day. Searched allover the tank.... the next day he had reappeared!??! All i can think is that he had buried himself in the gravel?
This is a very interesting thread. For about 4 months now I thought I was the only person to have had a bronze cory just completely vanish overnight.
ive had neons and cardinals dissapear. i think my single male ram was killing them and them eating them. i had to move them to my empty 10g.
When we had danios, we had some disappear all of a sudden.
I would take every single decoration out but could not find it, then a few days later, voila! There's the danio alive and kicking swimming around like nothing happened.
This happened twice with 2 different danios.

But I caught one in the action of hiding which totally took me by surprise.
Apparently, they in search of food on the bottom of the tank, they would get themselves in the openings in the gravel. At that time we had pretty large rocks as the gravel, and since they were so big, there were gaps all through them and well, the danios would get themselves stuck underneath the gravel until they could wiggle themselves out.
I swear about give me a freaking heartattack.
I had a recently - purchased Dwarf Neon Rainbow (one of five) disappear literally overnight. Moved everything in the tank it could have been under, checked the filter too. I think fish can dispose of their brothers/sisters in a surprisingly short time. I think we just don't like to imagine that they can be so cannibalistic.
Yeah fish do a great job of hiding. Danios are very bad for jumping out of tanks. When I use to keep them I had evaporation trays over the tank with just a small hole to drop food in and about 2inchs between the surface of the water and the tray. I had two danios out of 6 that managed to jump through that little hole. :(

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