Lost A Cleaner Shrimp, No Idea Why :(


Fish Fanatic
Apr 9, 2011
Reaction score
:sad: I've just come home to find out of my cleaner shrimp dead :sad:

The clowns that were added on Saturday appear fine, I've just given them a flake to see if they're feeding and all looks well. The other cleaner shrimp is grabbing loads of food as usual too, plsu the conch is out feeding. The other snails are looking fine, although one has been tipping once a day for a week now.

I've run off the tests below and all seems fine so I'm at a loss, the shrimp in question has been in there at least 7 days :sad:

SG - 1.025
pH - 8
Nitrate - 2.5-5
Nitrite - 0
Ammonia - 0
Phosphate - 0.1-0.2

Any ideas what could have caused this :(

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