Lost A Betta


Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
Kenosha, Wisconsin
I awoke this morning to find my red PK male bottom up. he had been looking kinda lazy about a week and a half ago, and within teh last few days his head became swollen and scales seemed to be falling off. I got him to take food last night which led me to think he was getting better, but i guess not. im unsure what caused this, i was thinking head hole at first as there were spots where his scales fell out that truely looked like holes. I also recall another illness iv heard of wen the scales on teh body swell out and make the fish look like a pine cone, dropsy i think it was called maybe....i forget

On a lighter note, its good to be back on TFF, its been a while since iv logged on.
Sounds like dropsy to me. One of my female bettas, I think, has come down with a case of it so I've been doing a bit of research. \
:hi: back!

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