lost 2fish!


Fish Fanatic
Apr 2, 2005
Reaction score
st.helens, merseyside england
Hey guys!

been away for one night and come back to find one missing, a tetra, thought i should clean the gunk outta my fliter (fluval 1+) and found hime well and truely dead inside the filter!

How the hell did he get in there?

One of the guppies i got last week is also dead, it seems to have a cotton woopol like growth over an eye, maybe this has brought something into the tank?

any ideas?
Can't say how the tetra got into the filter - probably got sucked in from the intake? As for your guppy, it sounds like it had a fungus infection. Do any of your other fish show similar signs? Watch them closely and treat immediately if you see any sign with an anti-fungus med.
Also do a few daily water changes if the other fish don't have fungus.
That filter thing's proving to be a big problem for me too...
I've lost 4 neon tetras in a week because of it.
My filter is part of the tank (Juwel Rio 125) and is stuck to two sides and the floor of the tank. If yours is a little sticky-on thingy, one idea would be to put it in a pop-sock/nylon stocking to prevent it sucking up your little fishes. I asked the forum about this myself, and the answer I got was more or less "yeah - go for it, but be aware that it may impede the function of the filter". Unfortunately due to the design of my filter/tank, it's not something I'm able to do...I have 8 Neon Tetras left...I wonder how long for...(!)
they all seem to be at the top of rthe tank and kinda swimming at an angle (or is that me)

no other fish are showing signs of fungus and I am doing some water changes
Can you post water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, i would recommend a water change, and maybe add an airstone for extra aeration if you already don't run one.
You have quite a high ammonia reading there, that's probably why they are at the top of the tank, some water changes to fetch it down, good luck.
been doing 10% every other day, I lost another tetra who was agin in the filter, had some scum on the water surface and they ont seem to be at the top as much, but other than water change is their anything i can do?
You could add an airstone for extra aeration, can you tell us the size of the tank, how many fish and which type, and how long it has been set up.
You are really overstocked for a 7gal tank, you might need a better filter as a fluval one might not be up to the job the fish you keep need at least a 10gal tank really.
i dont like doing it but the local pet shop said they would take the guppies off me would i be better balanced then? then i would have:

8 tetras
3 corys
You could keep the guppys if you can get a 10gal tank and more room for the fish and more choice of fish, still would really be overstocked without the guppys, it up to you, as over crowding causes stress and desease.
due to the space restraints in my home i cannot go for a bigger tank,

bearing in mind i like the corys what you would have

could this be ammonia posioning?

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