loss of appetite then heavy breathing


New Member
Jul 30, 2003
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Hello i have been haveing a major problem. One at a time my fish have been dieing. My oscar 2 plocs and cory have lived through it all with no problems. But every other fish has done the same thing they start fine a couple weeks later they dont eat then they breath heavy then death. there is no fighting in my tank and plenty of hiding spots and room. Any advice would be great.
Hmm... sorry for your troubles :-(. You'll need to answer some questions before anyone can really start to diagnos your problem though -

How long has your tank been running, how big is it, how many fish in it, etc?

What are your water parameters? ie: Ammonia, Nitrites, Nitrates (this is very important, if your tank is new especially, since heavy breathing could be due to high levels of any of these)

Check these things and give us as much info as you can, that'd be so helpful! If you don't have a test kit, I definitely recommend you going and buying one - it's pretty necessary.
i have a 125 gallon with 1 10" oscar 1 2" texas 2 4 to 6" plocs and 2 small corycat's. the tank has been stable for about a year and its been tested a number of times. But i think im on to something i possibly have internal parasites. Its only one fish at a time with this problem i lost my red devil about a week ago.
my tank did the exact same thing I lost 2 fish then I decided it was time to stop this before it wiped my tank out I took the fish I liked the best to the vet she told me that a parasite done this so I went and bought some jungle parasite medicine and treated all my tanks with it and it did work I havent lost anymore fish.

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