Losing hope for my Mbu


New Member
Sep 16, 2003
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I am really starting to loose hope now after my puffer has had white spot fro almost 3 weeks, he looked like he was getting better at one point but it seemed to get worse, he hasn't eaten scince the whole thing started and i was wondering what i could try to do. I decided to salt the tank using aquarium salt and started to treat with Protozin ebcasue i thought that WS3 wasn't doing as well as i'd hoped and it looked like he had velvet aswell


Ive done the salting of the tank, 5 tablespoons per 5 gallons, and its aquatic salt for freshwater fish to be used as a mediaction or a tonic to go with meds. My only concern now is that i think he has flex becuse he has a load of sores around his face adn white patches still, but the person at my LFS says to keep treating with Protozin cos it treats for bacteria aswell but it doesn't say it on the box, also we are on the second to last day of the guided protozin treatment (last dosage on this saturday coming) and we cant use another treatment fro flex until we finish treating with this one otherwise we will probably poison him. I really dont know what to do ??? :'(

Does anyone know if Protozin cures flex aswell?
Ive no idea whether protozin cures flex (nor do i know what flex is :S ) but i would suggest using melafix along side the protozin, being a natural product it dosent react badly with chemical meds and will help to clear up wounds and prevent secondry infections.
Does melafix cure Felx aswell? Cos flex is a bacteria which sorta makes the fish sore around the face and have weird spots on it
Hi Assuluto

Are you sure it's a flexorbacteria (sp?), with 3 weeks of medication I'm thinking the sores and whitepatches could be the equivalent of chemical burns. I would be leary of adding any more meds for a few days (maybe some melafix).
Between the WS3, salt, and Protozin his system is probably stressed to the max. I would try daily water changes (10-30%) for 2 or 3 days and see if he improves any.

p.s. Has he stopped grimacing?

Good luck

Yeah hes stopped that, and i know he hasnt got Ich any more but he still has whte patches, so i thought velvet, thats why im now using protozin, but if its not Ich then why does he still have whtie patches? And the sores on his face/ mouth area made me think of felx cos i saw some pics of a fish with fles and it ahs white patches and sores around the mouth, and the protozin is at half dose and is aparently fine for fish let alone scaleless ones
A couple of my Dwarfs have gotten white patches occasionally that I took for scratches or bites, I kept an eye on them over the course of a couple of days and they healed up on their own with no visable scarring, they were easy to see on the Dwarf so I would guess on an Mbu they would be that much bigger. Do the white patches look to be the same size as Ich or they bigger?

Check: Fishdoc
they may be able to give you some better advise, I'm just guessing most of the time
Theya re sort of irreuglar shapes,a dn they dont lok like the white patches he ahd when he had white spot, so im just confused really, i knwo its not chamical burns but i did notice it was qutie bad on saturday, then i put some salt in the tank and withing a few hours the redness had gone, but today it seems all red raw and swollen so to speak (because his mouth looks unusual, kinda like swollen scar tissue)
I think the Melafix would be the way to go then, as I understand it Melafix is a great general purpose tonic that helps strengthen the fishes slime coat.
Would Melafix be able to be used as well as Protozin? And would Melafix help cure the possible flex?
I have used protozin along with melafix when i was treating ICH on my goldfish and it helped a great deal. You can only try mate.
Thanks for the help guys but our Mbu has given up fighting this afternoon and sadly we have lost him, i never got round to giving him the Melafix, we just got round to it too late :(
I feel so sorry for him, i feel like i've killed him by trying too hard :( :no:

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