Does anyone know what this is? It looks exactly like mold but its not fluffy or fuzzy and its on the edges of fins that have been nipped . I've been reading about body fungus but it says fuzzy and it's not. One of my fish does have a sore(had it for about a month) on its dorsal fin. He was the only one that had it now my guppy and goldfish have it too and my angel is missing part of his dorsal fin. I've been treating with Melafix for about a week now with only a slight differnece in the sore(it's gotten a little better). My water is ammonia 0, nitrites 0 and nitrates 30. I just got some clown loaches a few days ago and I'm concerned about what meds I can use plus I have Melafix in my tank right now. I do have some Maracyn. Thanks!I wouldnt have gotten them had I noticed this earlier and i spend hours in front of my tank, I thought everything was good except the one fish but i just thought maybe he just had a sore from another fish. Thanks Leah