Looking to re-scape and adjust my tank but don't want to mess with the cycle. Am I going about this the right way?


New Member
Dec 14, 2021
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I currently have a 15-gallon Fluval Flex tank with just a betta. I want to adjust all the plant locations, remove a fake rock decoration, and replace it with a piece of spider wood and some other rocks. However, I would like to drain the tank to redo it as I am awful with trying to put root tabs into the substrate with water still present and the same with replanting the plants (I only have seachem flourite). There is also some poly-fil in the back portion behind the intake slots that has become filled with debris I would like to replace. Would I be able to drain the water into buckets, keep the betta in one for just a bit while I adjust the tank, and wring out the old poly-fil in the other to keep the beneficial bacteria? I would put the new poly-fil in that same bucket just so it's not brand new going into the tank. About 75% of the water from the buckets would go back into the tank and then do a 25% top-off with new water. I just want to make sure that this is okay and if not, some advice would be greatly appreciated!
This is fairly straight-forward, given the fish (one betta) and you have live plants. Siphon out some water from close to the surface into one bucket, and put the betta in this. Cover it to keep it warm, and avoid any jumps. A plant floating in the bucket will really help, both for water quality and calming the betta.

Drain the tank and re-scape. No point in squeezing out filters, the bacteria live on surfaces, and in any event, with one fish and plants it won't matter. When the tank is the way you want it, fill with fresh water at temperature, use thee conditioner, and you're ready to move the betta back home.

One betta in a 15g tank is not going to have ammonia (cycling) issues. And the live plants take up ammonia/ammonium anyway, so double benefit.
This is fairly straight-forward, given the fish (one betta) and you have live plants. Siphon out some water from close to the surface into one bucket, and put the betta in this. Cover it to keep it warm, and avoid any jumps. A plant floating in the bucket will really help, both for water quality and calming the betta.

Drain the tank and re-scape. No point in squeezing out filters, the bacteria live on surfaces, and in any event, with one fish and plants it won't matter. When the tank is the way you want it, fill with fresh water at temperature, use thee conditioner, and you're ready to move the betta back home.

One betta in a 15g tank is not going to have ammonia (cycling) issues. And the live plants take up ammonia/ammonium anyway, so double benefit.
Awesome, thank you. I think I kind of over thought the whole process and just want to make sure my guy is happy and healthy!

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