Bettas Eh?
Heya everyone... been looking around anf ive always loved saltwater tanks. After hanging around teh Saltwater forums ive come to a descision i want to turn my 30Gallon into a nano. But... i want it to be like just hermit crabs some shrimps and other small "cleaners" because i dont want all the malarkey of loads of fish and tons of rock in my tank... Also for a tank that size what equipment will i need?
Hope i didnt sound too much of a n00b there im just interested in what i will need to keep shrimps, maybe a lobster (the right sort of course) and crabs.
OO and will i need a sump for it??
Hope i didnt sound too much of a n00b there im just interested in what i will need to keep shrimps, maybe a lobster (the right sort of course) and crabs.
OO and will i need a sump for it??