Looking To Get A Bigger Tank


Sep 30, 2008
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UK, south east
hi all,

im looking to get a a bigger tank, as i have just taken over a 70l tank from a friend, i have now been told that many of the species i have in there are too big for the tank, so instead of taking them to my LFS i would like to get a bigger tank, approx 120+ litres!

can i use the same water from current tank and also the same gravel,plants, decor etc.....would this decrease the time for cycling in the new tank when i get it?

any advice on good tanks etc....wld be very appreciated

not much point using the same water, ideally you would be looking to transfer as much bacteria from your old tank into the new one, so what would help the most is transfering the filter sponges (or whatever media it uses) and some of the substrate.

I've done a similiar upgrade recently, from a 60l to a 155l, i moved half of the sponges from the filter in the little tank into the big one, along with a fair bit of the gravel, introduced some ammonia everyday to encourage bacteria growth and its nearing the end of its cycle at the minute, roughly a week later!

What species of fish do you have, out of interest?
not much point using the same water, ideally you would be looking to transfer as much bacteria from your old tank into the new one, so what would help the most is transfering the filter sponges (or whatever media it uses) and some of the substrate.

I've done a similiar upgrade recently, from a 60l to a 155l, i moved half of the sponges from the filter in the little tank into the big one, along with a fair bit of the gravel, introduced some ammonia everyday to encourage bacteria growth and its nearing the end of its cycle at the minute, roughly a week later!

What species of fish do you have, out of interest?

well here is the issue.....i got it off a mate who was fed up with it, so i kindly decided to take it on board...it has a plec, clown loaches, neons, black neons....i want a 120+litre tank i reckon, just looking for good deals really!

so the filter sponges from the old tank i should put in the new tank? or use the same filter? surely ill need a bigger filter?
where do u get the ammonia to help the tank along on a new tank set up same as u have done above using every thing from old tank to new tank as got a corner tank 252ltr and going to set up my new tank 77x17x18 thats abt 300 ltrs was going to used everything in corner tank in new set up

thx for your time
Most tanks (even 2nd hand ones i've seen) come as a full package with the heater and filter and stuff.

For my upgrade, I just crammed some of the old sponges into the new filter that same with the tank, then gave the tank a week or so for the bacteria to catch up to support the larger tank, by using ammonia, seems to be working fine so far.

Something to take into consideration, is that your plec and clown loaches will eventually grow to 12" or more, although from what i understand clown loaches are slow growers, not so much for plecs.
Most tanks (even 2nd hand ones i've seen) come as a full package with the heater and filter and stuff.

For my upgrade, I just crammed some of the old sponges into the new filter that same with the tank, then gave the tank a week or so for the bacteria to catch up to support the larger tank, by using ammonia, seems to be working fine so far.

Something to take into consideration, is that your plec and clown loaches will eventually grow to 12" or more, although from what i understand clown loaches are slow growers, not so much for plecs.

yea i did hear this, thats why im looking at getting a +120 tank, maybe even going up to 200 litres or more, with the ammonia adding, is that a fishless cycle? and you just add that in to create the new bacteria? adding less and less each day? am i correct?
If possible, I would go with 200 (or mebbe even 300l+), to save you having to do this again in a couple of years when the fish get to too big lol

RE: fishless cycling, yeah thats kinda how it works, although in theory the process should be much faster if you borrow some spongy stuff from a mature tank.

The link below is to an excellent guide to fishless cycling, i'm going through it at the minute, its really easy and there are loads of people here who can help if you get stuck!

If possible, I would go with 200 (or mebbe even 300l+), to save you having to do this again in a couple of years when the fish get to too big lol

RE: fishless cycling, yeah thats kinda how it works, although in theory the process should be much faster if you borrow some spongy stuff from a mature tank.

The link below is to an excellent guide to fishless cycling, i'm going through it at the minute, its really easy and there are loads of people here who can help if you get stuck!


cheers for the info,

how much would a 200 cost? also reccomend any shops/websites??

p.s. i live in SE UK
Hi and Welcome :hi:,

I would personally get the biggest tank you can afford/fit in as yes give it a little while and you will be wanting to upgrade. Or you may suffer from MTS (multi-tank syndrome)

I started with a smallish tank, upgraded to a rio 125 (kept the small one) and now im getting a rio 180 (keeping the 125) all in the space of less than a year! That will be the biggest I can fit in the space without,

A:- Getting rid of a sofa. :rolleyes:

B:- Getting rid of the garden tools and using the shed, :rolleyes:

C:- Getting rid of OH as he says NO MORE TANKS! :lol:

Check out e-bay there seems to be some bargins to be had at the mo

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