Looking To Change Current Tank Setup


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
USA, Colorado, Denver
Sorry for double posting from earlier, but I really looking for help today because today is only day I can go to LFS
First of all thank you all for responding to my previous post. Please help me so I can make changes Today at the LFS, but NOT without your expertise:

Current setup, as of tonight:

75/25 division
Larger division consists of:
5 angels, 3 cories

smaller division consists of:
10 neon tetras, 3 dalmation platies or mollies (not sure, but they hve the black and white spots, like a black and white spotted cow)
3 zebra danios
2 swordtails

I would first like you to know my thoughts:
-I am not happy with the divison, and I want to remove it! It makes water changes a bit trickier, and requires constant reposition of the divider because of disruption during water change. Also division does not make it ideal when trying to clean algae with the magnet

-Divison requires me to feed "two" tanks, since specimans live in a "separate" tank.

-the neon tetras are difficult to feed, and never reach the surface during feeding time. I fear they are not getting their share.

Okay, so this is what Im looking for:

I have come to learn that swordtails or platies while not bottom feeders always go after the wafers and other foods meant for my cories (this is why I moved these fish to the small division). I am very partial to my cories, and during feeding I want my cories to be able to eat their share without having to compete much with other fish going after their food. This may not be possible, but we know that its highly unlikely that a zebra danio would go after a wafer along side a cory. Im just looking to have my cories not get pushed around when they want to eat. Im always concerned that these cuties are not getting their share when I see others voraciously going after it, like the swords or platies.

I dont care for neon tetras, but I do like zebra danios, although I understand that mixing these active fish with angels may not be best. I am looking for specimens that hang out at the upper strata of the tank, like zebras, so Im partial to these. Maybe the large ones?

I have come to really like the angels, very relaxing to watch and a lot of personality, BUT I know 5 is not good idea. I definitely want angels in my tank!

I want something with color additionally, rather then your common "silver", as my mom and sister think so, if possible.

I want the divison to go and have one tank again!

Please advise me what and how many fish should I return to the LFS so I have a "proper" and healthy setup, given my thoughts above and what Im looking for.
I am open to completely new addition of specimen, too.

Please keep it simply for me without getting too detailed because once you talk about breeding and stuff, I'm lost. Just give me the numbers and specimens, given what I want and my thoughts. And forgive me for being repetitive, Im just still a bit confused.
Thank you!

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