Looking Into Barb Keeping


New Member
Jul 30, 2006
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hello everyone.
at the moment i have a jewel rekord96,
that has comunity fish in,
however i went to a fish shop the other day,and saw some Barbs.
they were in a four ft tank,there were tigerbarbs,mossgreen,albino,and stripped.
i would like a big tank,with barbs in,
i have had a look on the net and seen some that i like.
Odessa,Rhombo,albino,tiger,green,and tiger stripped.
would this be a compatible group ? how many in a 4ft tank ?
any opions would be great.
I'm not too clued up on Barbs but we do have Ticto and Pentazona Barbs which are great. The Ticto Barbs are very similar to Odessa Barbs and the colours are beautiful.
We wanted Tiger Barbs originally but because they can be aggressive we didn't bother. Tiger, Albino and Green Barbs are a little aggressive but I should imagine they will be fine together.
Not sure what you mean by Striped Barbs, could they be Pentazona (5 Banded) Barbs? If so, then they are more peaceful as are the Odessa Barbs.
Our Tictos and Pentazonas all shoal together and I must admit, they look fantastic. They even end up shoaling with our Bleeding Heart Tetras!
thank you stang1,
sorry to add confusion,i ment the normal tiger barbs,however the 5 banded sounds interesting.
Here's a couple of pictures of my Barbs to give you a better idea.
We have 6 Pentazona Barbs which grow to about 2" and 10 Ticto Barbs which will grow to about 3".

Pentazona Barbs.

Ticto and Pentazona together.
thanks stang1 that was kind of you. :)
i like your pentoza, although i'm maybe confusing myself,
as they look like 5 banded barb(or are they the same thing)
thanks stang1 that was kind of you. :)
i like your pentoza, although i'm maybe confusing myself,
as they look like 5 banded barb(or are they the same thing)
It is the same thing, I should have mentioned that. I think most people do refer to them as 5 banded Barbs, I'm just trying to sound posh! :lol:

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