Looking for some pictures


Fish Crazy
May 1, 2004
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Hoping that some of the members would show some pics of a planted aquarium using sand for a freshwater setup.

If ya can thanks :)

Also if they can maybe show a pic of what a shoal looks like and what it is for.
I assume you mean a shoal of fish. Certain fish prefer to be in groups, and can be agressive or very scared if alone. Fish like tetras, barbs, danios need to be in groups - 5 or 6 and more.

It's not the greatest looking tank out there tank, but its a start.

-edit- Here's a more recent picture.

A shoal of Cardinal Tetras in my 34 Gallon.

Generally fish shoal as a defensive measure. An individual fish is less likely to be eaten by a predator if it is among high numbers of its own kind.


  • card1.JPG
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Thanks guppygirl that is a great link. It actually helped with some ideas for a freind that wanted an aqurium garden. great link!

Thanks for some info about a shoal. I thought that was a chool of fish. Also when I looked up the word it was like a sand bar and such or like a ditch or something .
gf225 said:
A shoal of Cardinal Tetras in my 34 Gallon.

Generally fish shoal as a defensive measure. An individual fish is less likely to be eaten by a predator if it is among high numbers of its own kind.
what is teh name of the grass stuff you have at the bottom of the pic?
WhispTech said:
what is teh name of the grass stuff you have at the bottom of the pic?
Eleocharis acicularis (hairgrass). Needs good light and nutrient-rich substrate, medium to soft water and plenty of CO2 to grow well. I'm getting a load more soon to fill my foreground entirely.
R3GG said:
The good old days :X
wow that looks nice.

Personally i think sand looks very nice. I can't stand teh fake gravel stuff but natural gravel seems to be ok but nothing beats sand.

Cant wait to i get my black onyx sand and my new 6 gallon. think i will need to buy more plants. I might get rid of the rock formation too but will see after how it works out. Still thinking of designs for mine.

ill defewitly post some pics as I go.

tansk for the pics guys.

Im so excited. i think I am getting addicted lol. went from a small hex tank to a 3 gallon and that wasnt enough. I even but some l brackets for the book case to make sure its sturdy enough to hold the new 6 gallon hahahha.
Ok so got teh water and sand in. took me a few hours to rinse the sand since i had to use a kitchen sink and a tiny little container lol. Anyways I have it start off at front at about a half inch and rise to teh back to about inch and a half. Have the eater I got for the other tank which is a visitherm 25 watt submersible heater. Have my trust thermometer in inside too :). For the filter I am using some filter floss and some sponge and replaced the cabon pad and bio wheel with a 4 stage system of my own where it goes filter floss, sponge, filter floss, sponge. That should keep teh water clean and the flow is good but where the water comes out has the final sponge pice (part 4) which makes the current not as stong. I think this will be ok since the Betta was swimming in it in the old tank with teh same setup but with two stages which was filter floss then sponge. Also for the filter tube that goes to the bottom of the tank i chopped off a piece to raise it a bit so the filter keeps working and doesnt stop from sand. Just throwing some sand in with a little cloud made it sto so I have to be very careful with it.

Here is done right now. It is a lot clearer now since been a couple hours since that pic.


Boy this is a lucky betta going from a cup to a 3 gallon and now a 6 gallon lol.

I might not put the rock formation in this time since wouldnt the cories need some space on the bottom? Anyways will see about that.

How many days should I wait till I put the plants in?

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