Looking for some new fish


New Member
May 23, 2004
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I have 2 Zebra Danios in my 19G tank which has finished cycling a few weeks ago. I am finally getting around to buying a couple more fish and was wondering what I should get. I was considering 6 Neon Tetras, any thoughts?


neons would be good with the fish you have in there now..

maybe some corydoras and a pleco for some cleanup help would be a cool idea...

guppies are always cool to watch breed, platies and swordtails are also cool to watch breed, and should be fine with the neons and danios
Hi rob :)

A small school of 3 cory cats would be great for the bottom of your tank. They are easy going fish that will get along with any others you put in there. :D

A pleco would probably get to big for your tank.
a couple more danios , maybe some dwarf cichlids or dwarf [ small ] gouramis . Some otocinklus [4 or 5].
Definitely some more danios - at least 4 more. A dwarf gourami and 3-4 cories would make a nice addition too :)
YES danios :D
why not get leopards as they can interbreed with your zebras.
Small Dwarf Honey Gouramis are Very Nice and are very funny to watch, They Fence each other with their Feelers.

From My sig You can see that I have Ended Up with a Gourami Dominated Tank.
My Newest Addition Being an Asian Gourami, (I think Its Called) It looks very similar to the Paradise Gourami but more slender and Brighter Colors.

Neons are Very Nice. There are A few you could try:

Standard Neons.
Black Line Neons - Alot Larger and Tougher than Blue/Green Neons
Glo-Lights - Look very Nice when the Stripe Matures.

Then yo Have the Tetras:

Blue - Nice but Aggressive Fin Nippers.
Lemon - Nice and same with the glo-Lights alot nicer whan colors Mature.
Rasboras - Only got these this week but they are really very nice to watch and they reflect alot of color and Shimmer. They look great in the School of 10 I have.

But you have many Choices out there, But make sure you get fish that won't feel threatened by the Danios.

I agree that Soem Corys would be Very Nice. Albino are nice and so are Peppered, My Blend into the Slate too well and its hard to see them.

I would Not Suggest Mixing Leopards and Zebras, They can be very Temperamental, and will gang up on each other.
My Leopards killed Most of the Zebras then Turned on each other.

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