Looking for some advice


Fish Fanatic
Jun 18, 2004
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I have a 55 gallon tank
1 Angel
2 Gourami's
1 Rainbow Shark
1 New Guinea Red Rainbow
5 Zebra Danio's
2 Red Eye Tetras
3 Buenos Aeries Tetras
2 Oto's
3 SAE's

I used to have a pictus catfish (he was my favorite of the bunch), but my tank was infected with white spots and he died, everyone else survived. I kind of wanted to get another pictus, but at the same time I don't really want to because when he gets bigger he'll eat most of the smaller tankmates.

I want a fish that likes to hide though, one that will take over the cave that the pictus used to live in. I enjoy my tank as it is, but the one thing missing is a fish that likes to hide. One with a personality....

Anyone have any good suggestions?

Thanks a bunch,
Hi noclueman :)

Instead of one big catfish, why not consider getting a small school, say 3 to 6 cory cats? They will love to take over the cave because they like to spend time in the shade. They are peaceful fish who are quite amusing when they come out as a group to sift through the gravel and play. :D
Unless you can house at least 3-4 pictus cats then i wouldn't bother....and also like you said, your tetras wouldn't last too long once the pims got above 4".
Inchworm sure has an awesome idea. You defienatly (I seriously can't spell) have the room. You should also consider a bristlenose or even a clown pleco. They are awesome cleaners! :D
If you dont like Corydoras (many of us dont) then you could try a small school of upside down catfish Synodontis nigriventris. They will certainly use the cave, only grow to around 3 inches and have the amusing feeding method of swimming upside down to take food from the surface.
Thank you for the suggestions so far! I saw some upside down catfish in the LFS and thought they were cool, but haven't really thought about it since.

So far I'm leaning towards the upside down cats. Would you suggest getting 3 of them?

Any other suggestions besides catfish?

Thanks again,

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