Looking For Pics Of Hybrids

annastasia has told me it is possible. i assume it easier with 1 male guppy and multiple female mollies.

i have heard that this is near impossible in home aquaria as absolute perfect conditions would have to be present. unfortunately i don't know the conditions so i can't tell you them. maybe ask anna if she knows and report your findings here for us. if it is in my ability i am going to have a spare 20 gal US so maybe i can give it a try to see for you. just get me the conditions :good:
AFAIK there are no pictures of true guppy/molly hybrids, only pictures of other species that they thereoreticly would look like, ie, one species that looks like a mollys body with a brightly coloured tail.

i assume it easier with 1 male guppy and multiple female mollies.

Actually, it's probably easier with one female molly and lots of male guppies, as with so many sex-crazed livebearers, it's more likely one will actually mate with the molly. Although, to make sure they actually are hybrids, you'd have to seperate a female molly fry before the males become sexually mature and rasie it alone or with other females.
annastasia has told me it is possible. i assume it easier with 1 male guppy and multiple female mollies.
Yes, it's possible. The chances of it ever happening are next to nothing.

And you'd have to seperate the females from males for about 6-7 months to make sure they get rid of their stored sperm, and have all the fry from the Molly matings. And I'd go for the same ratio as you would with any other Livebearers, 2-3 females per male. Stress on the female could decrease the chances of it happening. However, the few times I have heard of it, the fry have been very weak.

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