Looking for confirmation on type of fish


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Feb 27, 2025
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Good evening, I recently bought 4 Siamese algae eaters, but I understand they can sometimes be mixed up with other similar fish. I just want to make sure I understand how to take care of these guys in my 75 gallon.


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Chinese Algae Eater, grows to about a foot long, highly territorial when mature. Take them back.
Well, that sucks. Thanks for the information. It seems like it’s hard to get true SAE. Any recommendations on a different kind of fish? The plan is 2x angels, 2x EBA, and 10-12x Congo Tetra. I know they don’t completely get rid of algae, but just looking for some fun “clean-up” crew.
These are the original siamese algae eaters. There's another one that they call siamese algae eater by the commercial trade nowadays while in fact that's a barb. And last one mentioned will grow up larger than the original algae eater.
I myself prefer this one over the socalled other siamese algae eater.
What are the tank dimensions (length x width x height)?

What is the GH (general hardness), KH (carbonate hardness) and pH of your water supply?
This information can usually be obtained from your water supply company's website (Water Analysis Report) or by telephoning them. If they can't help you, take a glass full of tap water to the local pet shop and get them to test it for you. Write the results down (in numbers) when they do the tests. And ask them what the results are in (eg: ppm, dGH, or something else).
Good evening, I recently bought 4 Siamese algae eaters, but I understand they can sometimes be mixed up with other similar fish.

As others have stated, yours are not the true SAE. Here's a handy guide to the real thing and the species with which it is most likely to be confused. You will note, the real SAE has the lateral stripe continue onto the caudal. It is absent in the caudal on your fish. Only the Flying Fox also has this feature but the Flying Fox is usually correctly identified by dealers and importers plus it has a pattern and flush of color on the fins that the SAE does not.

One small amendment to the image below; "Garra taeniata" is now considered a junior synonym to the current name for the species, G. cambodgiensis, with the rather provocative common name of 'Cambodian logsucker.'

SAE guide.png
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SAE can be found and unless they are very small are easy to ID. Look at the above 4 drawings and you will see on only two does the blach stripe down the extend into the tail. Your fish does not have this so right away it is not and SAE. The one most often mis-sold as an SAE is the Flying Fox as their stripe goes into the tail. However, the dorasal on the Fox has dark marking while it is clear on the SAE.

I have kept both having initially been sold Foxes, Here is a pick (not the best) of my SAES from many years ago.


Here are real SAEs from a reputable outfit in Miami https://wattleydiscus.com/product/sae-siamese-algae-eaters/
Thanks everyone, we got them out after a fierce battle and removing all the hardscape. They are successfully returned and we now have a small school of Congo tetras to get us started. All about an inch long so we’ll let them grow a bit before adding anything else. Only weird thing is two of them only have one eye. They seem to be doing fine, however.

I really appreciate everyone’s assistance and advice.
Did the one-eyed Congos come from the same source that sold you the misidentified algae eaters? If so, I'd consider finding another source. (And I'd return the one-eyed Congos).
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Did the one-eyed Congos come from the same source that sold you the misidentified algae eaters? If so, I'd consider finding another source. (And I'd return the one-eyed Congos).
They were not from the same place, I did talk to the LFS where I got the congos and they replaced the 2 with 3 more.

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