looking for channa gachua


Fish Addict
Mar 8, 2002
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does anyone here own one?if so what are they like?do they stay as small as they'r listed?(7"s)what tankmates do you keep w/them?


I have a channa orientallis which is basicly the same fish.I keep mine with 2 bichirs a arowana 2 shovelnose cats a black shark a geophagus jurapari and 2 bala sharks as well as a small clean up crew.
Ive had mine about a year now and it has grown to around 6",its appettite has really slowed now so im not expecting too much more growth.From what i have read about these fish they can be kept in small groups but if you get a breeding pair they will quickly destroy everything else in the tank,or die trying.For this reason i have chosen to only have the one as i dont have a spare 30 gallon tank to give up to just two snakeheads at the moment.

I have found mine to be quite peaceful,just minds its own business and sits in its corner at the top of the tank resting on some giant vallis,the only time it gets really active is feeding time,ive yet to find a food it wont eat,it even takes flake sometimes :eek: .

I get the feeling that you may have some trouble finding them as all snakeheads are illegal in the states now arent they?But you could try here,someone maybe able to help you track some down http://www.predatoryfish.net
hi cfc,well i totally forgot about them being illegal,actually i didn't think the gachua(orientalis)would be banned for whatever reason :unsure: every other place i posted pointed me to that site as well :/ i checked around but i didn't see anyone selling them so i guess i'm S.O.L :X


Try registering and leaving a post saying that you would like to buy some dwarf snakeheads,youll be suprised how many people are still breeding these little guys ;) They just dont advertise the fact because its illegal.
can someone chuck a link in here so i can see a picture if one of these guys?

here ya go! nice right...
Thats not channa gaucha/orientallis thats a channa bleheri (sp) the rainbow snakehead,sizes and behaviour are the same though but it is a different fish.
For a look at a channa orientallis look in members pics there is a pic or two of mine in there somewhere.
thats a pretty cool looking fish. are they aggreassive? how big do they get? how much do they cost? are they hard to find?
It all depends on where you are as to how easy they are to find,i live in England and can get them throughout the year for around 10 to 15 pounds with very little trouble,but in the states they are illegal and have to be purchased in secret from people who still have breeding pairs and can be very expensive.
They are not what id call agressive but they are highly predatory and will eat anyfish not able to look after its self,not a fish for the normal community aquarium.
oops!! :X i have a real pic of the orientalis in my books but i figured this was a different color morph or something,the one in my book is a blueish color and it has fry hanging all over it :wub:
sorry for the mix up :(
flyhockey1037 said:
thats a pretty cool looking fish. are they aggreassive? how big do they get? how much do they cost? are they hard to find?
Hi, i have a few wild caught channa gachua. Infact, there are few colour varient collected from different location.

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