Looking For Breeder


Feb 20, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton Canada
Hi im looking to find a breeder to sell me a betta. Or someone who knows of a petshop that carries some nicer looking bettas than the ones you see in yougart cups hanging on a wall with water dripping into them :no:. So if there is anyone in Specifically the edmonton area that knows of a place or a person that can sell me a betta that would be great.

Or if there is anyone in Canada that knows of a breeder in country i wold be willing to buy from them. as long as they are in canada. i dont like the idea of shipping across the border.

Well thanks alot for your time

x_X im in vancouver and bkk from here sells really really really really -REALLY- nice bettas like cts and stuff with amazing colour :drool: but i dont know if he ships
Did you want a specific type of betta? I've got a few that I'm trying to rehome (cedric and severus in my sig below). I just want them to go to good homes so if you wanted them, all you'd have to pay for is shipping. :)
Hey no worries. Im just looking for a betta i like the CT but rally any betta with some nice color would be amazing.

THanks for the response guys

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