Looking For An Expert Opinion Pls (Video)


New Member
Jul 10, 2012
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Hi.. looking for some help pls... to start my problem is.. why are all my fish only using the bottom half of my tank? & Why do they quickly fly up to the surface for air? I have another smaller tank and everyone is fine in there.

Pls see my video - http://youtu.be/js9xk3KwdSU

In this case its my Juwel Vision 450 paired with Fluval FX5 pump. As you can see the tank is now nicely populated and hour after the video was taken i did around a 30% water change and a good clean.

My water quality is bang on, temp is bang in the middle of the green zone.. i have deflected the pump jets away from firing straight across the tank now as i though it might be the current disturbing them, i turned the flow down last week but i found some of the fish flying up to the surface to grab a breath of air so i turned it back up again.. My big Pleco did this, and i have never seen him do that before.

I have so much nice space in my tank yet no one is using it.. the silver tetras (the big ones) are breaking my heart right now as they would look excellent up there.

Could my bulbs be too bright? i just have standard Juwel T5 High Lites, Day at the front and Nature at the back.

Please hit me with suggestions, i really wanna crack this.

Thanks in advance.
I think your problem might be the lack of plants and may be some tall bits of bogwood.
The fish are keeping close to the ornaments and rocks for safety's.
If you were to add some tall plants this might encourage them to swim higher. Some floating plants would also help.
Agreed. They'd prefer a little more cover in the upper half of the tank. Some taller ornaments or floating plants would do the trick.
It seems to me the bright light and lack of cover. Fish naturally seek cover when they feel exposed. If you add a background to the rear of the tank, they will most likely feel more secure.
cool thanks for all of your feedback.. i will ponder your suggestions.. oh and as for bogwood.. i have a 20kg piece soaking at the moment :D

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