looking for advice

spAcE mOnkEy

Fish Addict
May 12, 2004
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i have a 30 gal tall with a sailfin pleco in it. the nitrite is 0, nitrate 20 or around, ph 7.0, hardness, HARD about 12 right now. i just wanted to know what type of fish i could put in it, i have 2 medium clay pots with a brick tube going across the tank. i have a kribensis that i want to move into there with a female. i was also looking into african cichlids. i want a biggner one that stays small for this sized tank. i was looking up the Lepidiolamprologus hecqui which is a shell dweller of lake tanajakti (whatever it is, cant spell). it is cheaper than most of the others and they stay small. i want to know if anyone has advice on this fish or if anyone has this fish. i would like to know how much i should change my ph for this spieces. i cant figure out the common name of this fish or any info on it besides the basics. i can get many shells they could go in. i would like to know if anyone has a african cichlid that could live in that tank. please help me with some advice. so the population so far would be 2 kribs, and then any african cichlid or something. i would also get some plants.
thx for the help
maybe electric yellows could do well in there, or some other type of fish like that.

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