Looking For Advice On Fish

Oct 10, 2006
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:good: hi i used 2 have 6 tanks then i gave them up because i became a family guy so didnt have time now i have the time ive invested in a corner tank i used 2 keep malawi cichlids tanganyken cichlids oscars and live barers but my partner i have shown her setups for african cichlids and she aint keen on the set ups nor the fish i think they are real lovely looking fish so i was wondering if some 1 could leave me a reply letting me no off some fish that i can have a well planted tank and lots diff colours but easy 2 keep as all i no is cichlids ty :hyper: :fun: :good:
The corner tanks I've seen are a little taller, ideal for angels. Don't let her know they are n.w. cichlids. :)

That's a foot in the door for cichlids, add a few apistos, and depending on the tank size, a group of corys and/or a small plec.
The corner tanks I've seen are a little taller, ideal for angels. Don't let her know they are n.w. cichlids. :)

That's a foot in the door for cichlids, add a few apistos, and depending on the tank size, a group of corys and/or a small plec.
hey ty lol my gf nows that angels are cichlids lol but she likes them and apistos u mean rams ??? i was looking in 2 them aswell so eres the question for u if i go for angels and rams i want pictus cats aswell would i b able 2 keep cardinals in the tank for a scool ???

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