Looking For Advice On Fish To Buy


New Member
Jun 4, 2008
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Hi, I'm new so this is my first post and I have a 36 gallon( bow fornt) tank. My tank currently has 4 neon tetras and 4 male guppies. I have had small tanks in the past,but I soon got frustrated, because I couldn't ballance them and the pet store employees were clueless. :shout: Sooo now my tank is cycled and ballanced,and I was looking for advice on some interesting fish that I could add to my fish family.

P.S. would my 36 be too small for silver dollars?
silver dollars like to be kept in groups and that would probably overcrowd them in the tank. They also eat plants so if you wanted live plants then avoid the dollars.

Get yourself some more neon tetras to give them a group of 10-15. Get another school of tetras that have different colours so they contrast against the neons. Perhaps some black phantom or rosy tetras.

Don't get black widow/skirts, serpae, beunos aires, columbian or red-eye tetras as they are all fin nippers and will probably eat your guppies.

Perhaps a group of 6 x Melanotaenia praecox, some Pseudomugil rainbowfish, honey dwarf or sparkling gouramis, cherry or checkered barbs and some corydoras catfish.
silver dollars like to be kept in groups and that would probably overcrowd them in the tank. They also eat plants so if you wanted live plants then avoid the dollars.

Get yourself some more neon tetras to give them a group of 10-15. Get another school of tetras that have different colours so they contrast against the neons. Perhaps some black phantom or rosy tetras.

Don't get black widow/skirts, serpae, beunos aires, columbian or red-eye tetras as they are all fin nippers and will probably eat your guppies.

Perhaps a group of 6 x Melanotaenia praecox, some Pseudomugil rainbowfish, honey dwarf or sparkling gouramis, cherry or checkered barbs and some corydoras catfish.
Thanks for the reply and Thanks for the good advice. I was planning on getting more neons. :) Too bad about the dollars I really liked there look. I'll defanitely will take you up on your advice and try some more tetras.

Thanks :D
Hi, I'm new so this is my first post and I have a 36 gallon( bow fornt) tank. My tank currently has 4 neon tetras and 4 male guppies. I have had small tanks in the past,but I soon got frustrated, because I couldn't ballance them and the pet store employees were clueless. :shout: Sooo now my tank is cycled and ballanced,and I was looking for advice on some interesting fish that I could add to my fish family.

P.S. would my 36 be too small for silver dollars?
i'm a bit bias but size of tank you would love discus......start small......2.5inch..if you can afford..about 6 or 8..pets in a tank...you'll never look bakk..temp about 84/86 though

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