Looking For A Shoal Of Small Fish.....


get on a board and do yo thang...!
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 9, 2009
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South Leicestershire U.K
I am upgrading my tank this week to a 240L and want a group of shoaling fish. i am thinking of tetras and have been lured in by flame, rummy nose, lemon, purple emporer and penguin.... dont know why just have!!!! they are to go in with 3 polka dot loaches, 9 corys, 1 dwarf gourami, 3 platys. i want to also add a group of about 6 rainbows eventually to finish the tank off. can anyone give me ideas on peacefull, pretty tetras? are the ones i like ok? i am after a good shoaling group of about 9/10 depending on max size. i do like the look of neons too but fancied something a bit different, although the black neons look kinda cool....... :crazy: cant make my mind up, please help......
Ember tetras? They stay small and are a nice red/orange color. As for the rainbows, what kinds catch your eye? With a 240l tank you could keep any of them, but the bigger ones may pick on your small fish. Dawrf Neon's only get to about 2 and a half inches and are peaceful.
how about a shoal of cadinals?

or red eyes?
Ember tetras? They stay small and are a nice red/orange color. As for the rainbows, what kinds catch your eye? With a 240l tank you could keep any of them, but the bigger ones may pick on your small fish. Dawrf Neon's only get to about 2 and a half inches and are peaceful.
i really wanted something larger as most of my fish stay quite small so i have been looking at boesemani or turquoise rainbow... i thought that rainbows were quite friendly and peacefull fish! i really wanted discus until i found out about the care routine for them!!!!!!!!!!!!! but just fancied something with a decent size to fill the space and didnt really want all small fish if poss
Don't get me wrong here, rainbows by comparison are a peaceful fish than say most cichlids. That being said, the saying says that a larger fish will eat a smaller fish if it can fit in it's mouth. Rainbows aren't really aggressive, but they will show their dominance to any fish in the tank, especially newcomers. In most cases this behavior is breif and afterwards they will pretty much ignore the other fish.

I would say that boesemani's and lacustris (turquoise) would be fine in that tank. Make sure to get more females than males if you are going to mix the sexes to prevent the males from harassing the poor females to death.
Don't get me wrong here, rainbows by comparison are a peaceful fish than say most cichlids. That being said, the saying says that a larger fish will eat a smaller fish if it can fit in it's mouth. Rainbows aren't really aggressive, but they will show their dominance to any fish in the tank, especially newcomers. In most cases this behavior is breif and afterwards they will pretty much ignore the other fish.

I would say that boesemani's and lacustris (turquoise) would be fine in that tank. Make sure to get more females than males if you are going to mix the sexes to prevent the males from harassing the poor females to death.
how many in total is best to keep? i was hoping to get maybe 6 if poss.....
this is usually where i chime in with the best possible answer.... Exodon Paradoxus

however, in favor of offering a secondary suggestion, i might go with Hyphyessobrycon amandae (fire tetras)


theyre a nice shoaling tetra, and pretty active.

... and they can be kept with exodons. lol :shout:

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