Looking for a place to hang my "nets"...errr hat


Fish Gatherer
Jul 11, 2002
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Hi All,
Seems that another "Yank" has found their way here, thanks  Davy.

Name is Larry - AKA - Cichlidmaster...catchy huh...don't ask..PLEEEEZZZZZZZ.

Anyway I/we (my wife and I) are breeders / importers of African cichlids from Lake Malawi and Tanganyika.

We currently maintain 135 tanks totalling 3000 gallons.

I have been in the hobby for...well errrr... Let's just say a good # of years (don't want to give up the age...YET).

I hope to be able to contribute any info (useful or useless... depends on my state of mind at the time) I can.

Well that's bout it for now. Hope to get around here often.


Hey Great Lakes...Good to see another Michiganian here!!!
Glad to she you typed some thing :laugh:

If your wondering how we know each other. We met while I was scamming all the site for a link to mine, now I'm helping him bulid up his site. www.cichlidmaster.com Because he was let down by some else ;)

Anyway hope you have fun 8)
Going by your post it seems to me that you'll fit in here perfectly. Welcome, and don't wory about the state of mind most of us are in various states of mind most of the time. Especially after a few beers. lol
:D Hi Larry, welcome to the Best Fish Forum on the net. We are a friendly bunch here, so have fun. No doubt your "cichlidmaster" brain will be picked clean of information on Rifts etc. :laugh: Watch out for the aliens!! :laugh: :laugh: Mac.
Welcome Larry to what probably is the best aquaria website on the net. Enjoy and have fun. We are one bit happy and I use that term loosely, FAMILY. :laugh:
Hi Cichlidmaster,

welcome aboard, 3000 gallon! that's a fair wee amount of water :D

looking forward to hearing some tales :D

Hi All,
Thanks for the warm welcome.

GL...I'm on the Dearborn/Detroit boarder. I understand your from New Baltimore?

No, I'm up in Alpena. Would love to see your set up. We have very few good, large fish stores in Michigan. Last time I was in Detroit two weeks ago, it was Sunday morning when I was on the way home, so nothing was open :(
Alpena...nice location. My wife and I would love to move up north. Hope to some day. Would love to have ya over. Feel free to stop by next time your in the area. I do sell from the house as well as ship so no problem there.

Also, next time if your down this way on a Saturday, I'll take ya to a breeder I know of in New Baltimore. You may already know of them...Wet Thumb Aquatics? If not you really need to pay them a visit. Over 600 tanks!!!

CM I will take you up on your offer next time I come down. And if you ever get real serious about moving, let me know, Real Estate is my game :)

PS If you know anyone loooking for a nice place on the lake, or some hunting property, let me know.. :D

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