looking for a new treat


Fish Addict
Apr 23, 2004
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Iv heard that rainbows need some veggies in their diet.(ie.spinach or peas) I was wondering if those would be safe for my angel too, if she were to steal it from them. It wont make her sick or anythink right? And how exactly do you feed fish veggies? I was also thinking of brine shrimp. Can they both eat that? Has anyone had a bad experience from feeding either of those?

I've seen several LFS just cut off pieces of vegetation and let them float on teh top of the tank. For instance, cucumber slices are just laid in the water, or lettuce leaves.

Of course, I've never fed my fish vegetables - so I can't really tell you how to do it, or if what I saw was really for feeding or mating purposes. :( Let me know what you find out!
all those things suggested will be ok

zuccini, lettuce, skinless peas are the norm for veggie treats

weigh them down and they wil pick at it

brine shrimp is fine for them as well
not very much nutrition in the shrimp unless they are freshly born but otherwise a good treat.
My angels used to love carrots, apples and broccoli. I take the pulp left over from my juicer and mix a little knox with it and freeze it. All my fish love it. Cucumbers and Zuchinni are also good though you may want to shred them on cheese grater depending on the size of your fish. My hets love finely shredded zuchinni, pumpkin and yellow squash.
So would you cook, or blanch some of these veggies before giving them or just serve em raw? Good suggestions guys keep em comming.

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