Looking for a name/identity


Fish Crazy
Apr 3, 2004
Reaction score
Herefordshire, UK

A few weeks ago when i was at my LFS one guy showed me a plec i think that burrows under the sand and has the markings of appearance of a twig or a leaf, does this sound familiar to anyone???

Also i would like to know if there are any small tropical algae eaters for a tank i mean smaller than 5 inches and that does not need to live within a group.

you could try a bristlenose plec, they only get to about 4 inches i believe. or you could try ottos, tehy need a small group, maybe three or four, but at 1.5" each it's not so much of an issue...
thanx for your response. I am baffled about the identity of this leaf looking tropical fish that spends most of its time under sand....
So was it thin, like a twig, or broad and flat like a leaf? at my lfs they have banjo catfish which are pretty much permanently half-buried in the sand. they look kinda leaflike. but not twiglike.
hmmm gonna check them both out, i didnt see them properly i was a bit feaked out by them when the guy stuck his hand in and woke them up they scattered and i dint like the way they moved... but now im curious....lol
Ah Ok you got it clutterydrawer that is definately what i saw... so its not an algae eater but likes catfish pellets or other prepared food.

Miss Cheese that twig catfish looks cute, i read its an algae eater is that right???

Man catfish are weiiiird fish :)
eeeek, that banjo catfish still freaks me out for some reason, i would be too scared to put my hand in the tank....... i think i will get a twig one instead.....lol, now i bet you my LFS dosent have those.... haha

p.s Im assuming that being from the Loricariidae family it will poo alot does it poo as much as a bristlenose catfish and would alot of poo on the surface affect the feeding grounds of my peppered cories?

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