Looking for a good Sump Protein Skimmer...Any idea


New Member
Feb 18, 2004
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Well we are in the market for a GOOD protein skimmer to fit in the sump area of our wet/dry system. We would like a better than average model. Any suggestions for a 55 gallon marine fish only tank?
It depends on where you are, if europe, then I'd say deltec, probably ap600 or aquamedic turboflotter 1000SL. if your in the US, then either those or there are other skimmers which have good reports. the one that comes to mind is the aqua c remora but don't know the rating of these or the size. ;)

ste :)
Well from the research I've done it seems like the ETSS & euro-reef are excellent models. My only question is how does the smallest euro reef in sump skimmer fit in my amiracle with a footprint of 9x9 where my sump area is 7x7"? Also, will I still need my rio 1200 pump in the sump area too once I get the skimmer or does the pump that comes with it eliminate my pump now?
depending on what skimmer you use, depends wether you wil need the rio, some skimmers come with a pump that takes water from the tank and nixes the air before entering the skimmer, some models take water out of thetank and into the skimmer and there is another pump on the skimmer to inject air. you could have the skimmer sat next to the tank and have the pump in the sump feeding it. or you could directly feed the skimmer from the drain from the tank, but remember to "T" off this as a safe guard.

ste :)
Well the protein skimmer I am truly interested in doesnt seem like it will fit in my amiracle wet/dry. Is it possible to run a larger skimmer underneath the tank where the wet/dry is even if it isnt in the sump? Or does it have to be in the sump or hang on the back.
you'd have to chech that the skimmer will sit dry as some would just pour out all over the floor if not designed to run dry. skimmers need to go above the water leves as they are not pressurised units. so you would need to have the return going into the sump.

ste :)
If you have the money the counter-current skimmers are supposed to be best. ETSS is good. Aerofoamer I believe was rated highest. My Reef Creations (MRC) skimmers are also hightly praised. I can't afford any of these and use the Turboflotor. It's fine, but a tad finicky.
I still need to know what high end skimmers are designed to sit outside the sump area if the footprint is too big for my wet/dry?? Any ideas?
Hi, just to stick my nose in, have you thought about making youre own? to fit where you want, that way you could use a larger bore pipe. I had a friend made me one for my sump maybe ste2k3 can tell me how to get a pic of it on here for you to see. Its running four wooden airstones from two dedicated twin outlet air pumps with a powerhead feeding it directly from the sump, its amazing and extremely efficient!

I have a Turboflotor like Ostrow. It will sit outside the sump, and is fairly compact. It can be finicky, but when you get it going it works real well.

GL I have the T1000. How can it sit outside the sump? It runs on a submersible pump!!!

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