Looking for a good catfish


Fish Fanatic
Jul 29, 2004
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I've been thinking about setting up a new tank, and I want to make sure to include a nice catfish. The tank's going to be quite large, at least 55g although I'm not sure quite how big I'll need. Tankmates will include a ropefish, 3 clown loaches, an african brown knife, and african butterflyfish. I'd like the catfish to get at least 4 inches (no tiny corys...although I do keep corys and love 'em to death), but to stay under 10 inches. I'm not really lookinf for a pleco in this tank, either. And, if possible, I'd like something that doesn't need others of its own kind. I've been thinking of getting a striped raphael...are there better choices? Thanks a lot for any help!
Im just trying to think of some nice catfish for your tank, but a good start would be to get a couple of bristlenose pleco's.

Have a look on http://www.planetcatfish.com for some pleco's im sure your find a pleco which tanks your liking... Thats if you want a pleco, but i think theyre the coolest catfish :D.
Do not keep sucker mouthed catfishes with rope fish, many loricarid species like to suck the slime coatings from polypterids like rope fish which can be lethal for the rope fish.

What fish you can get all depends on whats available to you, i would recomend Dwarf giraffe catfish Auchenoglanis macrostoma which would fit in well with your current fish list but these can be difficult to track down. Have a look around and see what you can get and then ask if they would be suitable is the best course of action.
CFC said:
Do not keep sucker mouthed catfishes with rope fish, many loricarid species like to suck the slime coatings from polypterids like rope fish which can be lethal for the rope fish.

What fish you can get all depends on whats available to you, i would recomend Dwarf giraffe catfish Auchenoglanis macrostoma which would fit in well with your current fish list but these can be difficult to track down. Have a look around and see what you can get and then ask if they would be suitable is the best course of action.
Ah right nice one for pointing that out... Would something like a clown pleco be ok? or are they sucker mouth fish?
The Armored Catfish (Callichthys callichthys) gets up to five inches, and a peaceful species, incapable of harming any fish. It's also supposed to be a very good scavenger. IMO, it's really cool looking, too.

However, my all-time favorite catfish is Pimelodus Pictus, the Pictus Catfish, Polka-Dot Pictus, or Polka-Dot catfish.
It's usual size is between 3-6 inches, but in optimal conditions, it can get 2 feet long (I don't think you'll have to worry about that; he'll grow to fit your tank--perhaps 8 inches at most). It is not only hardy, but it is also one of the prettiest catfish you can get. It is silvery white in color with black polka-dots and an elongated body. It also has a longevity of 8 years, so you won't have to worry much about replacing it any time soon. It is a very friendly catfish, and will shoal with other fish, even those of a different species. It is active day and night (the most hyper fish I've ever had!) and, unlike many other bottom feeders, doesn't hide much.

The downside is its sharp, serrated dorsal and pectoral fins, which are poisonous--in other words, it can give you a nasty cut if you don't handle it right. Also, it is best to use a glass container when trying to catch it, because it can easily get caught in a net (I once made the mistake of netting mine, and had to spend over 5 whole minutes cutting him out of my net--he just shook afterwards, though, and never got sick or anything!.

Anyway, those are my suggestions. (Get a pictus cat!!! YAAAAY!! :nod: :D )
Yeah I've seen pictus cats around...they really are beautiful fish! Would one do well without others? What's the optimal number? Will the spines hurt the other fish? :( Thanks a lot for the input!
-_- I think I Break Every Rule..........I Have.:.:
~ 1 common pleco
~ 1 chocolate pleco
~ 1 ropefish
~ 1 otto cat
~ 1 pictus cat
~ 2 bronze cories
Yet EVeryone Seems happy!
Throw in a teacup stingray, two male bettas, and some guppies. THEN you'll have broken every rule. :p

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