Looking For 4"+ Growing Tetra' Or Barbs


Fish Addict
Feb 15, 2006
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setting up a new tank. the tank is 2' high so the eartheaters will ocupy the lower levels of the tank,
they generaly arent an aggresive cichlid, and all research i have done leads me to believe you can keep larger more robust comuntiy fish with them.
i mean theyre hardly Tilapia or RD =P

ive had these as ideas so far

Silver dollar
Large barbs that arent tinfoil barbs
any large tetra? (i know nothing about tetra's)
Large mollies

maybe rainbowfish or something... i know they dont come under this section but yeah.

sugestions and ideas would be greatly apreciated,

the tank contains Nice soft gravel, some wood pieces rocks and plants =)
Torpedo Barbs. A little expensive, but very active and colorful. Better in groups of 6+, and a large tank (at least 55g IMO).
Torpedo Barbs. A little expensive, but very active and colorful. Better in groups of 6+, and a large tank (at least 55g IMO).

Ive never heard of them before =S

whats the scientific name?
I wouldn't recommend the silver dollar at all, they are really quite timid and skittish. They would need to be in a large group and that's too small for a 2ft tank.
Have a look at Tetragonopterus argenteus, a very nice and robust tetra that gets to about 10 cm or so in aquaria. It doesn't eat plants (except maybe very soft species) and when mature has lovely colours: Silver, big scales, red fins, and black spots cross the eye and base of the tail.

Not a common fish, but in the trade, and easy enough to get if you ask a (reasonably good) retailer.

Cheers, Neale
If you search for "torpedo" you'll find several threads dealing with them. Barbus/Puntius denisoni, they've been popular in the trade now for the last 4-5 years. Many other barbs fall into the size range you are after without getting huge, and ar commonly available, fasciatus, johorensis, arulius, filamentosus, everetti, etc. etc. Most barbs will nibble tender plants if they are not fed other vegetable matter.

Arnoldichthys spilopterus grows up to 100mm and is well able to take care of itself without being overtly aggressive, nice African Characin.

Rainbows are Atherinids and as such are covered in CC&A. Most rainbows are harder water fish, not all, but I'm not sure how good they'd be with softwater cichlids.
I wouldn't recommend the silver dollar at all, they are really quite timid and skittish. They would need to be in a large group and that's too small for a 2ft tank.

ive kept them in the same tank before and its a few inch under 4' not 2 =P its 2' high. and 2' wide

liking the sound of the torpedo's
The only larger tetras I know of are Congo Tetra.


They're stunning fish and look great in a well planted tank in a large shoal :D

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