Lookin' For Love


Fish Herder
Apr 9, 2006
Reaction score
glenside, pa
the angry blue betta takes bubble nest duty very seriously. He just built it today and is giving me, his neighbors, the camera, and the lamp dirty looks :lol: such a pretty boy all flared out tho
Aww he's a pretty boy. ^_^ Don't you just love betta bubblenests? My newest boy is a diehard bubblenester... he's always adding to it, before I changed his water today it was taking up like half the tank. :blink: :wub:
thanks, i think he's pretty stunning too :D especially for an LFS purchase.

I can show a full tank set up but its not really how i want it at the moment. The plants in the picture make it look pretty, but it's only a section of a 2.5g tank. I have him and a VT sharing the tank (split, of course) which follows the gallon per betta rule, I guess, but I plan on purchasing another 2.5 for the veiltail so everybody can have their own room.

Don't you just love betta bubblenests?

yeah! my boys never did it in their bowls. the VT is still a little shy about it, but the CT loves his bubble nest.

bah! i really need to name them -lol-

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