Look what my son gave me!


New Member
Mar 13, 2005
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Vacaville CA
This is my fairly new 50 gallon "show" (36"x24"x16") planted tank.

Filtration is accomplished by an Eheim Ecco 2236 and a HOT Magnum with sponge pre-filter. It has a Visa-therm 150 watt heater, a Hagen Nutrfin CO2 system, and a faux rock ledge for my Red Claw crabs.

Fish include a duo of Koi angels, 4 black mollies, dwarf corys, bandit corys, SAE, Bristlenose Pleco, a few various tetras, one reclusive Spotted Rafael Cat, and three red claw crabs.

Plants include Apons, crypts, anubias, rotala sp, wysteris, Lobelia sp, amazon swords, one ozelot sword. and some broad leaf Ludwigia. I've got a sand base with 2" of Flora Base substrate. Regular liquid supplements and a little over 2 watts/gallon.


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Brilliant tank!
well done! :thumbs:
any shots of the fish?
what a gorgeous male angel :wub: tank is lovely too.
Hmmm... You sure the crabs are fine with all those bottom feeders? I can just imagine one night, the cories are asleep and..... Well, you get the picture. Nice tank though.
I haven't had much trouble with the crabs other than one tried to escape and scared my daughter. They stay hidden in the drift wood and like to stay on their pad on top. The corys have their own place to hide where the crabs have a hard time getting to. So far, so good.

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