Look How My Guppy Has Coloured :d


Fish Herder
Apr 16, 2008
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I got her about a month ago as a freebie. Told she was a female, but I thought females didnt colour like this. But I'm sure she is, because the male endler's harrass her, and she has a big belly aswell :D

She is about twice the size now lol!

I got another one yesterday which looks exactly like the first pic. free aswell... i don't think they bother to sell the babies :)

i hope she too colours like this one..


  • guppy2.PNG
    6.5 KB · Views: 54
here you can see how much she has changed!
the black is very dark now, and her flappy fins are too! it looks great against her pale blue body, shame that hasent shown on the pic :(

and the tail is great :p


  • guppy4.png
    21.8 KB · Views: 53
She has colored up nicely. An endler female has no color, well actually she just has that greyish background color, but a female guppy can have a lot of color like yours does. If you have her in with endler males, you are likely to get lots of hybrids in the future. When the fry grow up and you need to get rid of some, please be sure to tell people they are hybrids. They will probably look great but too many people don't know what a real endler looks like because they've seen so many hybrids and think they are endlers.
oh wow that is very pretty one, it's almost as if her fins glow :)
She has colored up nicely. An endler female has no color, well actually she just has that greyish background color, but a female guppy can have a lot of color like yours does. If you have her in with endler males, you are likely to get lots of hybrids in the future. When the fry grow up and you need to get rid of some, please be sure to tell people they are hybrids. They will probably look great but too many people don't know what a real endler looks like because they've seen so many hybrids and think they are endlers.

Yes, I've had her for a month in with the endler males and apart from a HUGE belly, i dont think she is pregnant. there isnt a gravid spot..

she was quite big when i got her and i posted pics on and people thought she was pregnant. turned out to be wrong - unless she reabsorbed or whatever. but then why would she still be so big?
could you possibly get another picture?
from that angle it looks male to me looking at the anal fin anyway
If its male then my endlers are gay and the LFS labelled it wrong! but sure I will get some pics now :hey:
I have to agree...looks like a male to me too...it might just be the anglo though as lilfishie said so those extra pics would be really useful.
Well, guppies and endlers will both both mate with anything. I've had male guppies mate with a breeder, and a angelfish, tells you that much about them( they've also tried to do eachother). It looks like a male to me, and a very pretty one at that.
well I have never had anything that wierd but on e of mine is OBSESSED with my oldest female swordtail!
My second look at the second picture also looks like a male to me. I guess I was allowing the story to influence me too much.
the story that says...look at my FEMALE guppy.
it looks female in the first so it might have been young when you got it and still not grown a gonopodium in which case it is not the fault of the lfs that it was sold as a female!

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