This is my new boy, I cannot believe that I found him at Walmart, he's orange and light blue, with some green on top, but it's real orange not just some colour mix. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO perrdyy I love him already, I can't get over it that he was still there, there were only like 5 others and they were fairly plain looking. What a steal! However he has more finnage on him than I thought he did and he likes to sit on his bum. He's temporarily in a container as are all my fish because we're home from university for the break. Maybe that's why, he definitely isn't constipated and he moves around quite a bit. Anyone know what else it could be? He doesn't seem to get his back up straight ever. Poor guy was also in one of those stupid cups with like 1/3 water full. My eyes almost fell out, I've never seen an orange VT, like this orange. Meet him!
I can't post pictures any other way, sorry, but he's worth looking at




I can't post pictures any other way, sorry, but he's worth looking at