Look at this crappy set up petsmart is selling

I hate those too. And I think Walmart and Petsmart have been selling those for a long time.
WTF :crazy: I can't freaking believe that crap. I mean 3 fancy goldfish in a 1to 1/2g bowl with only a cheap undergravel filter with no opening thats bulls***
I know the betta is probley like WTF is this crap? I can't see, I can't see, ahhhhhh I'm going to kill myself. *End of betta thoughts* I mean I would do the same if I were a betta and had to live in thier. I would also kill myself if I had to live like those goldfish are in that pic. I also saw that website that was selling a 1.5g bowl and you had a choice of a male or female betta and it also came with a lid, a live plant, two aquatic snails, gravel. It looked horrible. :(
If people only knew that for ten more dollars you could get a whole ten gallon setup at wal-mart. Tank, lights, heater, filter, net, water conditioner = $40
I can't even tell wat color that betta is :S . I betta that betta doesn't even know anymore ether. AHHH NOTHING MAKES SENSE ANYMORE!!! :drool:
I have the feeling these little guys are going blind. I swear I can see this happening....

Bob: Hey, my fish is doing a trick. Look, Joe.
Joe: I think it's sick.
(ladeda, to the LPS!)
Salesperson(SP): Oh, your fish is having seizures. It must be from the food. Here, buy this worthless bottle of viniger and hair conditioner to cure it.
Bob: Wow, these people sure do know fish!

I saw one on display and the fish was asking me to kill it. I mean, just because it's a fish does not mean it is meant to be tortured. Quote from the site...."....both you and your fish to enjoy day and night."
You? Maybe. The fish? Probably not. I wonder why....:grr:
I dont like these threads. Do they have a porpuse? Do they ever acomplish something?
Does it to any more or have any more purpose than the "umgz look at my bettas!!!" threads, or the "hey I don't know jack-all about bettas but I want to breed them and I probably won't follow your advice" threads? It lets people vent frustration. I fail to see the harm in it.
Oy, can we say disco night at the water bowl?

What a horrible thing that, I wouldn't even call it a bowl none the less a tank, is. What 70's genious couldn't let disco die for fish? :/
Ethos said:
I dont like these threads.
Then don't read/reply in them.

America should have the law like in Europe, no tanks under 10 gallons should be sold.


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