Long Spined Urchin In 65L? Anemone?


Fish Aficionado
Aug 20, 2009
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land of the scots!
Is it possible to have a Black Long Spined Urchin? Fish stocking will be a Percula clownfish and a Watchman Goby. Or will it pose a threat to my fish.


Also, is it possible to get a bubble tip anemone in my tank. Lighting is 24W, i know its advisable that you dont, but what are the reasons? Do they grow to large? Hard to care for?
Although its peaceful, the spines are venomous and it would sting if you accidentally pricked your finger on them. They are peaceful but I wouldn't put one in your 65L.... mainly because they grow up to 10" lol :p

If you're looking for an urchin, go for a tuxedo. Best suited for a nano tank and very pretty colours.


Anenomes are also a no-no in a nano tank.
Although its peaceful, the spines are venomous and it would sting if you accidentally pricked your finger on them. They are peaceful but I wouldn't put one in your 65L.... mainly because they grow up to 10" lol :p

If you're looking for an urchin, go for a tuxedo. Best suited for a nano tank and very pretty colours.


Anenomes are also a no-no in a nano tank.

thanks :)
Ahh, tuxedo Urchins, yep they do look pretty nice, it was just because i saw the Long Spined ones at the LFS, i dont think they sell Tuxedo's :(

Thanks for the help!
To elaborate on the anemone, main reason is because they get so large. RBTA, for example, gets to a foot long. Probably bigger than your tank. :(

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