Long Overdue Pics Of Red Lazer Corys


Fish Addict
Oct 7, 2004
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Chandler, Arizona U.S.A.
Inchworm and Jollysue - here are some long overdue pictures of my red lazer corys. Not the greatest photos but it's a start. I moved them from their 20 long tank to my 55 gallon tank and they are much happier in the bigger tank. In the 20 long they panicked super easy and would go flying all over the place anytime I did anything around them. Water changes were really bad, I had to slip the siphon in under the glass top and try to vacumn with the cover closed on top of my arm or the little guys would have been flying out of the tank. I finally decided to move the 5 of them to the larger tank thinking that with the 9 resident spotted corys and the troop of fearless swordtails to keep them company they might calm down. It worked like a charm, by day 2 they were pushing the swordtails out of their favorite spots and socializing quite nicely with the spotted corys. During todays water change they calmly parked themselves wherever I was heading with the syphon and gave me the "go ahead, suck me up!" stare. I think the swordies teach them that routine. (Swordie fry think syphon rides are great fun - I don't think they realize when they grow up that it won't be as much fun. There's always 3 or 4 adult swordies trying to get in the syphon.) :S

I'm going to try to get a better picture of the 5 red lazers tomorrow to see if you all care to try to guess the sexes. I'm not real certain but I think all 5 are probably females. There's one "iffy" one that might be a male but I'm not counting on it.

I really want some green ones now!



Hi Polardbear :)

They are beautiful corys, and very healthy looking too! :thumbs: I was just thinking about them the other day too!

Did you ever have any luck with breeding your others? :unsure:

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