Fish Addict
I was hoping somebody could give me some advice on buying a new tank. I don't know whether a short but deep tank is better than a long but shallow tank. Does the depth make a big difference? It's going to be planted.
wowNina7777 said:Ok, One question for you first! How do you fit all those fish in a 29 gallon? I know none of my business i am just curious!
29 Gallon:
6 clown loaches
14 neons
10 rummy nose
1 giant danio
1 bala shark
1 yoyo loach
1 redtail loach
1 dojo loach
1 zipper loach
1 kuhli loach
3 bosemani rainbows
3 cloud fish
2 zebra danios
2 red eyed tetras
4 red finned tetras
2 rasboras
1 dwarf rainbow
2 glass catfish
1 congo tetra
2 platies
1 swordtail
1 zebra botia
2 celebs rainbows
The other 29 gallon is just for one native bullhead catfish, he's about 14" now, soon to be released back into the wild.Nina7777 said:Ok i am royally confused. In your profile you have less than half the amount of fish in the my fish and aquarium section,than in your signature!
Whats the deal?