I have four dwarf pencil fish in a 30L tank with 2 amano shrimp. I've had them a few months but in the past couple of weeks I've noticed that the smallest of the four pencil fish doesn't hang out with the others much. He's often on his own in one of the corners of the tank, or hiding behind plants. He does swim, doesn't seem to have any symptoms of disease. He doesn't bottom-sit or gasp or anything like that, he just seems shier than the others. As a result he's not getting as much food (the others are very quick at feeding time).
would adding a couple more help do you think, or could that make it worse?
(btw, I've never had ammonia or nitrite in this tank)
would adding a couple more help do you think, or could that make it worse?
(btw, I've never had ammonia or nitrite in this tank)