loner krib


Jun 2, 2004
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B.C. Canada
i have a loner krib that didnt work well with my pair.... hes about 3 inches long... living with a female betta in a 8g tank..

anyways.. i have 5 guppies in a 10g tank... was wondering if he would be a suitable tank mate with the guppies? has anyone tried it ?

he was beat up by the other male and didnt really fight back so i dont think hes too aggressive but im not 100% sure as the female betta has a few nips out of her tail..

any ideas/suggestions ?
in an 8g tank I'm not suprised your betta has a few nips in its tail....the krib will still claim a territory on its own.

Guppies may be better tankmates if they are large enough but I wouldn't keep a krib in a ten gallon.

If you've got another pair anyway why not trade him in and get some fish more suitable to smaller tanks??

I have a lone krib in with some various livebearers and other peaceful fish. He's not aggressive, but he will chase them away from "his" rock. This is also a 65 gallon tank so there is plenty of room. I don't think the 10 gallon will have enough room to give the guppy's a good distance from the krib.

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