Lonely Yoyo


Fish Addict
Dec 17, 2004
Reaction score
Holmsund, Sweden
I am a little worried about one of my three Yoyos. Since being moved fron a 112 liter to the 500 liter there seems to have been a bigger split between my Yoyos. While Bobo and Dodo have always seemed more of a pair, in the 112(30gal) Jojo was more active and in touch with the other two. In the new 500 liter(130gal) Bobo and Dodo have taken up living in the upper floor of the two floor cave at one end of the tank and Jojo is spending the days behind the filter at the other end. Frankly Jojo seems a bit depressed. Jojo makes some attempt to hang out with the others but seems to be ignored and quickly loses intrest and retreats behing the filter. The three were all about the same size at purchase(14 January 2005) but, Jojo is only about 2/3ds the size of the others now.

The final population of the 500 is yet undecided but, six Clown loaches will be moving in after they are done being employed as snail controll in the 112 and ten Swordtail juvies will be sold or moved back to the growout. I was also planning on getting 3-4 female Gouramis(Marble or Gold) for the 500. The question is, should I try to add two more Yoyos in the hope that poor little Jojo will have a better contact with a group of Yoyos or should I find a new home for Jojo. Bobo and Dodo often show what I can only interpret as mating behavior. Please help little Jojos life to be more happy. :/
Yes, I would absolutely try to add 2-3 more of yo-yo's. They tend to go comfortably in a bigger group.
Since adding the 6 Clown Loaches to the 500L Jojo has found a gang to hang with. He is out from under the log he had moved to when I chased him out from behind the filter. The suction cups came loose and when I put it back in place I gave the poor dear a bit of a scare. Also I noticed that his pattern was not the common Yoyo design. He has more of a maze-like pattern, there are not just the vertical bands but also horizontal ones and many round dots as well. Is there a Yoyo sub-species that has a pattern that looks like Chinese lettering instead of the usuall iYiYiYi type of pattern? If so this may give a clue to why he was not in full sync with the other two.
Thanks Wolfie but the two pics in the link look very similar to the two larger Yoyos I have but mine have less patterning. Jojo, the smaller one has a pattern that looks like the center point of a Minotaur maze. If that makes any sense. Jojo is about an inch shorter and much thinner and is also more shy/nocturnal. So I am guessing that there are definately two or more Yoyo variations, I guess these could be regional strains or adaptations.(Do not really like to use the word mutation but there it is) :)
Thanks Wolfie but the two pics in the link look very similar to the two larger Yoyos I have but mine have less patterning. Jojo, the smaller one has a pattern that looks like the center point of a Minotaur maze. If that makes any sense. Jojo is about an inch shorter and much thinner and is also more shy/nocturnal. So I am guessing that there are definately two or more Yoyo variations, I guess these could be regional strains or adaptations.(Do not really like to use the word mutation but there it is) :)

I have heard that yoyo's are noctural and hide all the time. The ones I have are not like that at all. They also dont run when I come up to the tank. They actually go to the top thinking im about to feed them. Mine are actually quite active, which is good since I have them in the tank with danios. I really like them, they are fun to watch, always together.

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