Hello there, I’m new to owning fishes and is been 5 days since I started in the fish community, so I need some help . I have two cardinal tetras who recently got infected with ich, but I started treatments when I saw them. Fortunately, after three days of treatment the ich was gone but is still currently quarantining before I put them back to the main tank. The questions I’m about to ask is about to be strange haha, so in the quarantine tank for my two cardinal tetras was going well, but one of them jumped out of the tank and is not alive anymore.. and now there’s only one cardinal tetras fish in the tank, and I’m a bit worry that he would become stress because I heard that they are a schooling type of fish. So I’m wondering if its still be okay by it self while it quarantines in the tank.. alone?
(Ps I have other Tetras and other fishes in my main tank and they seem to not be affected.)
(Ps I have other Tetras and other fishes in my main tank and they seem to not be affected.)