Lone zebra danio


If you're a bird, I'm a bird
Mar 5, 2004
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Wyoming, brrrr!
Some of you know that I got a crowntail betta yesterday. When I got him home, there was a hitchiker zebra danio in the bag. My fish store is a 2 hr drive so I couldn't take him back and the only place I had to put him was in with my rummynose tetras. I was hoping they might take him in, but no such luck. He has sat under a cave since I put him in the tank. I don't know what to do. Should I take him back next time I go, or do you think he'll join up with the rummys? I just don't want him to be miserable. Thanks.
Well, I jumped the gun. I thought, I put up this topic, go do my water changes and come back and check what people think. So, I got my bucket and siphon and guess who has made friends? Little zebra has joined the rummys.

I bet this wouldn't have happened if I didn't post the question ya know :huh:
i have two tanks with only one danio in each. they seem to do fine, in fact, Junobug is the boss of his tank. some say danios are social and need more danios....i think they just need more fish. and yay about the free fish!! :p :D :fun:
Congrats on getting a free fish :p

Good to hear that he's made some friends with the tetras. :nod:

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