Lone Male In With Multiple Females?


Fish Crazy
Feb 13, 2008
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I went to my local Pets At Home today to see if I could find any female Bettas and was suprised to find a tank with about 5 females and a lone male all swimming happily together. I questioned the staff and they said they always do it and that so long as there are several females to the one male they all get along fine. I bought 4 of the females as the 5th had bad mouth rot which when I pointed it out they started treating but they suggested I tried the same and bought a male too. Obviously I didnt but I have to say that they did all look happy together and there were no ripped fins on either the females or the male. Anyone else ever heard that this advice before?
Dont even consider it :no: Yes, some people say it can work, but................I've lost count of the number of threads about how this person or that person has been keeping them together..............and then a new thread pops up cus its all gone very very wrong :no:

Its just not worth risking the health of the fish :good:
Dont even consider it :no: Yes, some people say it can work, but................I've lost count of the number of threads about how this person or that person has been keeping them together..............and then a new thread pops up cus its all gone very very wrong :no:

Its just not worth risking the health of the fish :good:
Well that was my opinion too but I was just so suprised that they were telling me it would be a good idea! Doesnt say much for the training they are given :unsure:
Hate to say it... but back in my old days (about 15 years ago), I remember seeing that kinda setup pretty commonly. Matter of fact, up until a year ago a friend of mine kept a tank with a similar setup and she had it that way successfully for quite a few years.

I do not recommend it for you because their might be lots of trial and error, depending on the individuals. I wouldn't want you (or really anyone here) to go through any grief.
you will probobly find the environment they are in at p@h is so stressfull the fish dont bother each other. ive seen tanks of "females" at my local p@h that were all PK males and they seeme to tollerate each other(which is one of the reasons they wouldnt listen to me whan i told them about the problem), but i rekon its coz the fish are stressed out a bit and dont realy care about each other.
ive seen them put 2 males in the same tank by mistake (usualy the same dozy blonde that is too busy talking to people she dont look to see where she is puting the fish) and they ignore each other for hours before anyone points it out to the staff
seen it done....turns out badly. things can be going ok...ok..ok...you wake up and everyone is dead. :(

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