London Riots

It's awful riots north, midlands and south. Truly disgusting. I say taser, water cannon, plastic bullet and baton the lunatics. It's pure terrorism. Government need to resort to "extreme" methods, those idiots arent going to be intimidated easily. I really do hope it stops soon.
It's awful riots north, midlands and south. Truly disgusting. I say taser, water cannon, plastic bullet and baton the lunatics. It's pure terrorism. Government need to resort to "extreme" methods, those idiots arent going to be intimidated easily. I really do hope it stops soon.

We need a 'good post' smilie. :good: I think we've put up with it for long enough. Send the paras in and have done with it.

I've just seen on the news that 111 police have been injured and 5 dogs. Then there are all of the people whos lives have been put at risk in the fires. Enough is enough, they need to be sorted out.
Poor dogs :sad:
Five police dogs have also been injured in various attacks. One was seriously injured when hit on the head with a brick. One dog had its teeth broken out by an object thrown at it. The remaining dogs were injured by bottles and other items hurled in their direction.
Poor dogs :sad:
Five police dogs have also been injured in various attacks. One was seriously injured when hit on the head with a brick. One dog had its teeth broken out by an object thrown at it. The remaining dogs were injured by bottles and other items hurled in their direction.

I know, in a way I have more sympathy for the dogs than the police. They didn't choose that job. :(
vigilante groups out now to give the looters a beating theres gonna be some blood shed tonight watch this space
vigilante groups out now to give the looters a beating theres gonna be some blood shed tonight watch this space

So that's acceptable? Tell me something, how can you justify people going around breaking the law beating people who break the law?

Its a depressing state to be in when you realise your own country can go and burn and you dont care any more, that you are ashamed to be british. I wish i was anywhere but here.

I hate this country and i hate what it has become/is becoming.

Had to laugh (in a humourless way) when someone was interviewed yesterday and when asked why they were 'thieving and looting' the reply was "well.. im getting back my taxes ent i!" :good: just about sums it all up... tbh i wouldnt be suprised if they were on benefits and being paid for by everyone else (nothing against having to be on benefits, been there... but usung benefits and screwing the country over and blaming everyone else?!).

Oh the shame.

*goes off to live as a hermit in a country as far away as possible and changes accent and wears a disguise*
vigilante groups out now to give the looters a beating theres gonna be some blood shed tonight watch this space

So that's acceptable? Tell me something, how can you justify people going around breaking the law beating people who break the law?


does it say i think acceptable NO its just an update theres also talk of around 400 EDL members about to take to the streets of london aswell
This is about as exciting it gets where i live

The EDL are a bunch of morons who will do anything for a bust up, they're not out to help the police, they're out for a fight where a situation allows, they're just as opportunistic as the looters.
The EDL are a bunch of morons who will do anything for a bust up, they're not out to help the police, they're out for a fight where a situation allows, they're just as opportunistic as the looters.


it will be over in a day or 2 now anyway nothing left to break or steal

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