Lolita's new home

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Fish Fanatic
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Waukon/Postville, Iowa
Alrighty :) My home-buying today in LaCrosse was a success :thumbs: I got Lolita a few smaller plants, and I bought her little cave yesterday in Decorah. Now she's swimmn' about all happy and stuff. :p

Theeeeeen, me, as I stare at my fish....start to notice Fatima's tail looks different than Lolitas. I tried for 10 min. or more to get Fatima to cooperate, which finally worked. I gave her an extra chunk of food because of all the stress she was under having her picture taken multiple times :p

I'm wondering if Fatima is a crowntail female or a comb-tail. You will see the difference in the tails...Lolita's is smooth on the edges, Fatima has little 'spokes'

Now for pictures!




Now Tail shots... :thumbs:






Any ideas are appreciated :fun:
My goodness! Then I got a steal w/ my dear lil' Fatima...she was a *whispers* Walmart baby.. :p My very first female betta girl too. :wub: and such a little 'tude she has too!

My boyfriend's sister, Sarah, bought me Lolita. For a bit I was 'babysitting' her goldfish she didn't want anymore...but then decided she did again. :rolleyes: She felt bad as my last gf died the day before she took hers back, and wanted to get me a new fish. I said a female betta would be nice, ans she had a tough time as there was only 3 left. :unsure: Thankfully I found out the night I got her *on the forum* that she's full of eggs :thumbs: As long as it's that, I'm completely happy w/ her :D *was worried about dropsy, etc.*

She has very interesting color, green shimmer on her body in some spots *she looks somewhat 'dull' in the body still, but I'm giving her a month or so to recuperate from 'da cup' so to say...and I didn't notice she had blue until I turned the light on in her tank after I got it set up. I knew she definatly had red tho. Just a wonderful menagerie of colors :wub:

*sorry I ramble so much, I'm a bit on the tired side :rolleyes: *
Man, I talk to much and type slow right now :p :)

Thanks Seahorse ;) I sure do love them bubbles too! :wub: *starts singing tiny bubbles*
LifeBear said:
Fatima is a crowntail. Very nice.
I dunno, looks like a comb to me... crowntails usually have longer rays than that.
Nonetheless, they're both beautiful little girlies :wub:
I love their names, too
Well, whatever Fatima is,I still love her :D I knew after looking at Lolita she wasn't just a plain veil. :dunno: I didn't have any other girlies to compare her with. :)

Thanks on the names, I really don't know what posesses me to use such 'exotic' names. Maybe because I know I cannot name my own children those names when I do decide to have kids -_- lol
Bill thinks I'm impeccebly weird, but he loves it. :fun:

Edited because after I read it again, I thought I sounded incomplete in first sentence -_-
I'm bumping this in hopes of getting a few more opinions on Fatima, whether she is a crown tail or comb tail. I've had a couple replies, 2 for crown, one for comb. I just want to make sure I find out what she really is, as that I don't look dumb saying what she is, and find out she isn't. :)

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