Lockerz Invites


Fish Addict
May 4, 2008
Reaction score
Edinburgh - Scotland, UK
Hello Folks! I hope im allowed to post this here, if not, sorry!

Im giving away Lockerz invites, i absolutely love this website, here is a quick rundown of what it is.

Basically, Lockerz runs on points. You log on once a day, you get 2. You answer a simple question like "What is your favourite book?" you get 2. Do that ever day for 5 mins and about 3 weeks later you will have enough points to claim some great free prizes

A Wii and Wii Sports is 250 points
A PSP and games is 200 Points
and there are more great prizes

You dont need to sign up to anything (only the site itself), you dont have to complete any weird offers, you dont have to referr people, all you have to do is the stuff above. What i get from inviting people is 2 points, and the chance to get a better membership.

I have 216 points from a month and a half of gathering, on the 15th, im claiming a PSP :D.

And before anyone says it lol, its not a random pyramid scheme. They have over 600,000 members and could probably do with less xD

If you would like an invite, please PM me your email address. There is absolutely NO spam and i get my benefits the second you register, so even if you dont want to do the site, would you register for my sake, anyway? :)
I'll wait until you've got your psp until I make up my mid about this...:p.

I've heard some things about that don't make me think they are the most trust-worthy company in the world. Like the use of various spam bots and paying people to fit into on-line communities

I can they afford to do this? How does this company work? They must make profit somehow.

Either way, lots of people re doing it, hope you get your psp, I could do with one too :).
tell me if you get it then ill join mate just to make sure lol
Search youtube, tons of unboxing videos. Im also getting a job at Lockerz (unpaid though...) to run a forum for them (i get a hoody at least). They are funded by Liberty Media (big US company, i think owns amazon) which is how its funded. The only problem in waiting is, you could be spending that time getting 4 points every day lol.

Someone who just got their prize on facebook:
wont let me send you pm for some reason, could you pm me your email address and ill email you back with mine

Did you claim it today?

I have about 65 points atm, want 200!

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