Lock Man's Challenge - Day 2


Smart Homes System Specialist
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Mar 16, 2010
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So, last night, I spent a happy hour or so breaking into Mowbz's house when he was asleep, chucking all the Tiger Barbs and Kribs from his 340l into his 80l (they'll be fine, don't worry), and stealing his 340l.

It is now sat in LockMan Towers, awaiting its new stocking.

So, as with yesterday, give me your suggestions as to what you would do with this rather lovely tank, BUT with the condition, that there must be no fish that grows over 10cm (4"). The rest is up to you - what fish and invertebrates would you stock this tank with?

Baited breath......
I'm a sucker for cories. I'd stock at least some trilineatus and some pandas in there.
I'm a sucker for cories. I'd stock at least some trilineatus and some pandas in there.

Be specific Cezza, how many? And how many of what else? What would YOU do with Mowbz's tank?
30 Glow Light Danios, 10 Kuhli Loaches(Usually maxing out at 4 inches) Or 10 Bronze Cories, 6 Apistogramma cacatuoides, 12 Amano Shrimp, 2 Bolivian Rams, 1 Bristle nose Plec
6 Angels (P.Scalare)
25 Harlequin Rasbora
6 Bolivian Rams
1 BN plec
2 Twig catfish
12 albino & bronze corydora
10 Amano shrimp
2 golden apple snail
6 assasin snails
6 Angels (P.Scalare)
25 Harlequin Rasbora
6 Bolivian Rams
1 BN plec
2 Twig catfish
12 albino & bronze corydora
10 Amano shrimp
2 golden apple snail
6 assasin snails

That's what you've got in your 320l, isn't it? Bah, no imagination...... :lol:
i would go with:

6 Angels (P.Scalare)
25 Harlequin Rasbora
6 Bolivian Rams
1 BN plec
2 Twig catfish
12 albino & bronze corydora
10 Amano shrimp
2 golden apple snail
6 assasin snails
Didnt he say no fish that grows over 4inches?
I believe angels get up to 6 inches long :S ?
Ohhhh... when I had my 340L tank I had my discus and sorubim limia and juvenile tyre track eel it it! Cant do that now LOL


So much space!

I would of course have high filtration, either 2 x Fluval 406 filters or 2 x AquaManta EFX 400s. Or maybe one of each!

Would have lots of tall bogwood and plants like echinodorus and crypts and hygrophilia difformis to provide lots of cover high up and lots of ground cover for shyer fish and to keep territorial disputes to a minimum.

I would stock:


2 x Pearl Gouramis (upper dweller)
15 x Beckfords Pencil Fish (upper dweller)
30 x Cardinal Tetras (mid dweller)
12 x Corydorus Sodalis (bottom dweller)
2 x Taeniacara Candidi (bottom dweller - South Am dwarf cichlid, easy to keep but nicer than rams!)
2 x Bristlenose Ancistrus (bottom/all over glass)
6 x Otocinclus Affinis (all over glass)
2 x Farlowella sp catfish (bottom)

I'd have to see the tank stocked to decide if i could put more fish in there, would depend on water stats but would be tempted to add 12-15 Copperline Harlequins (Rasbora Espei).


10 x Algae Shrimp
4 x Rock Shrimp/Bamboo Shrimp
70 Cardinal Tetras
20 Panda cories

Inverts -
20 Cherry Shrimp (for starters, they will no doubt breed!)

I like Cardinal tetras :lol:
havent the foggiest... nearly as big as my house that! :look:
I cant beleive you all stocked my tank without me :(

I have however voted for "What i'd like to see done with my tank next"


EDIT: You all failed anyway. As TLM only chucked out the tigers and the kribs, he left the Gold Tigers and the Rubbernose in there, so your all OVERSTOCKED. Yea....

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